ទាញយកទិន្នន័យថ្មី spinner

ផ្លែបរ័ថ្មីៗ អ្នកខេត្តមណ្ឌលគិរី | 1គក
Atetyany Meas លក់ផ្លែឈើនិងចំណីខ្មែរ

Atetyany Meas លក់ផ្លែឈើនិងចំណីខ្មែរ

ចំនួនទំនិញសរុប៖ 1

ចំនួននៅសល់៖ 100


Atetyany Meas លក់ផ្លែឈើនិងចំណីខ្មែរ

ចំនួនទំនិញសរុប៖ 1

ចំនួននៅសល់៖ 100


Avocado from Mondulkiri Province | 1kg

ផ្លែបរ័ថ្មីៗ អ្នកខេត្តមណ្ឌលគិរី | 1គក

Atetyany Meas លក់ផ្លែឈើនិងចំណីខ្មែរ

Atetyany Meas លក់ផ្លែឈើនិងចំណីខ្មែរ

<p>The avocado, a creamy green gem disguised as a fruit, is a nutritional powerhouse packed with flavor. Its velvety flesh offers a buttery richness that elevates any dish, while its hidden depths hold a wealth of health benefits.</p><p><strong>Taste sensation:</strong> From guacamole's vibrant zip to sushi's smooth counterpoint, avocado's versatility shines. Its mild, nutty flavor adapts to savory and sweet, blending seamlessly with spices, citrus, or simply a sprinkle of salt.</p><p><strong>Healthy hero:</strong> Lurking beneath its rough exterior, avocado hides a treasure trove of good fats, fiber, and vitamins. It lowers bad cholesterol, boosts eye health, and keeps you feeling full and satisfied.</p><p><strong>From forest to table:</strong> Born on leafy trees in subtropical climes, avocados take their time to ripen, rewarding patient palates with their creamy reward. Whether sliced, mashed, or blended, their buttery goodness adds a touch of luxury to every bite.</p><p>So, next time you crave a taste of sunshine and health, reach for an avocado. Its delightful surprise awaits.</p>

<p>ផ្លែបរ័មណ្ឌលគីរីទើបបេះថ្មីៗ បរ័សាច់ស្អិតល្មួតខ្ទិះឈ្ងុយទឹកដោះគោ សាច់ស្អិតរល្មួតគ្មានសរសៃ បេះបានរាល់ថ្ងៃផ្លែចាស់ៗល្អ</p>



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<ol><li>ចុច​ "ទិញ"</li><li>ជ្រើសរើសបរិមាណ</li><li>ជ្រើសរើសវិធីបង់ប្រាក់</li><li>បំពេញលេខទូរស័ព្ទ</li><li>ចុច "បញ្ជាក់ការទិញ"</li></ol><p>ក្រុមការងារកូកូផុននឹងទាក់ទងទៅក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗ</p>

ផ្លែបរ័ថ្មីៗ អ្នកខេត្តមណ្ឌលគិរី | 1គក

ផ្លែបរ័ថ្មីៗ អ្នកខេត្តមណ្ឌលគិរី | 1គក

Atetyany Meas លក់ផ្ល...

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