ទាញយកទិន្នន័យថ្មី spinner

ខ្នុរក្លែបល្អ ផ្អែម អ្នកខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ | 1គក
ស្វាយខុសរដូវខាងកៀនស្វាយ | 1គក
Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ្លែឈើខ្មែរតាមរដូវ

Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ្លែឈើខ្មែរតាមរដូវ

ចំនួនទំនិញសរុប៖ 2

ចំនួននៅសល់៖ 200


Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ្លែឈើខ្មែរតាមរដូវ

ចំនួនទំនិញសរុប៖ 2

ចំនួននៅសល់៖ 200


Sweet Jackfruit from Tboung Khmum Province | 1kg

ខ្នុរក្លែបល្អ ផ្អែម អ្នកខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ | 1គក

Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ្លែឈើខ្មែរតាមរដូវ

Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ្លែឈើខ្មែរតាមរដូវ

<p>Jackfruit, the spiky behemoth of the fruit world, isn't just a conversation starter – it's a nutritional powerhouse in disguise! Here's a peek at its hidden benefits:</p><ul><li><strong>Disease-fighting dynamo:</strong> Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and carotenoids, jackfruit shields your cells from damage, potentially lowering your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.</li><li><strong>Blood sugar buddy:</strong> Jackfruit releases its sugars slowly, preventing blood sugar spikes and making it a friend to diabetics.</li><li><strong>Heart health hero:</strong> The potassium and fiber combo in jackfruit helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, keeping your heart happy.</li><li><strong>Digestive delight:</strong> Jackfruit's high fiber content keeps things moving smoothly, promoting good gut health.</li><li><strong>Immunity booster:</strong> Vitamins A and C, along with other immune-boosting compounds, help your body fight off infections and stay healthy.</li></ul><p>So, ditch the jackfruit fear and embrace its surprising goodness! Your body (and taste buds) will be better for it.</p>

<p>ខ្នុរដែនសូរិយា ខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ សាច់ក្រាស់ ក្លែបល្អ ច្រាំងតិច ផ្អែមមុត</p>



<ol><li>Click BUY</li><li>Select Quantity</li><li>Choose Payment Method</li><li>Fill in your phone number</li><li>Click "Confirm Purchase"</li></ol><p>Kokopon team will contact as soon as possible</p>

<ol><li>ចុច​ "ទិញ"</li><li>ជ្រើសរើសបរិមាណ</li><li>ជ្រើសរើសវិធីបង់ប្រាក់</li><li>បំពេញលេខទូរស័ព្ទ</li><li>ចុច "បញ្ជាក់ការទិញ"</li></ol><p>ក្រុមការងារកូកូផុននឹងទាក់ទងទៅក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗ</p>

ខ្នុរក្លែបល្អ ផ្អែម អ្នកខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ | 1គក

ខ្នុរក្លែបល្អ ផ្អែម អ្នកខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ | 1គក

Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ...

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Mango from Kean Svay | 1kg

ស្វាយខុសរដូវខាងកៀនស្វាយ | 1គក

Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ្លែឈើខ្មែរតាមរដូវ

Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ្លែឈើខ្មែរតាមរដូវ

<p>Bite into a mango and get a blast of sunshine - not just flavor, but health benefits too! This tropical treat is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a delicious way to boost your well-being.</p><p>Here's a glimpse of what mangoes offer:</p><ul><li><strong>Immune system cheerleader:</strong> Rich in vitamin C, mangoes help fight off infections and keep your body strong.</li><li><strong>Digestive friend:</strong> Fiber keeps things moving smoothly, while prebiotics in mangoes nourish your gut bacteria for happy digestion.</li><li><strong>Visionary ally:</strong> Vitamin A and antioxidants protect your eyes and maintain healthy vision.</li><li><strong>Heart hero:</strong> Potassium and magnesium help regulate blood pressure, while mangiferin, a unique antioxidant, guards against heart inflammation.</li><li><strong>Skin and hair glow-up:</strong> Vitamins A and C promote collagen production, leading to radiant skin and strong, healthy hair.</li></ul><p>So, go ahead, indulge in a slice of sweetness - your body will thank you!</p>




<ol><li>Click BUY</li><li>Select Quantity</li><li>Choose Payment Method</li><li>Fill in your phone number</li><li>Click "Confirm Purchase"</li></ol><p>Kokopon team will contact as soon as possible</p>

<ol><li>ចុច​ "ទិញ"</li><li>ជ្រើសរើសបរិមាណ</li><li>ជ្រើសរើសវិធីបង់ប្រាក់</li><li>បំពេញលេខទូរស័ព្ទ</li><li>ចុច "បញ្ជាក់ការទិញ"</li></ol><p>ក្រុមការងារកូកូផុននឹងទាក់ទងទៅក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗ</p>

ស្វាយខុសរដូវខាងកៀនស្វាយ | 1គក

ស្វាយខុសរដូវខាងកៀនស្វាយ | 1គក

Chakrya លក់ដំឡូងនិងផ...

$5.00/គក 10% Off
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